Wharfedale Pro is a specialist division that designs and manufactures pro and commercial audio equipment, from portable and touring sound reinforcement to fixed installation systems. Functioning as a separate entity within the IAG group, Wharfedale Pro concentrates solely on the professional audio market, offering a complete product range that caters for every stage of the signal path from microphone to loudspeaker. Renown for developing class-leading products with high performance and reliability, Wharfedale Pro continues .
Tag Archives: Technology_Internet
Many musicians have a fair idea of what compression is, but not all of them know how to master it. To really get a good grasp of how to properly use compression, you’ll first need to get the basics covered. This article explains the compressor’s main functions, dials and parameters so you can get your head around this vital processing tool. What is a compressor? Essentially, compression reduces the dynamic range of whatever sound .
Distortion’s been around so long that even its originations are unclear. Ask a variety of engineers and you’re bound to get a bunch of different responses as to who the first musician to popularise distortion was. History aside, distortion comes in a wide variety of different forms, each with their own unique characteristics. In this article, we explore some of the more common types of distortion and how they work. Tape saturation Back in .
Your job as a producer goes far beyond laying down bass and beats. You’ve also got to think about where each element should sit in the mix. Strategic choices pertaining to space must be made for tracks to sound sonically interesting, and panning does just that. Panning is the placement of sounds across the stereo field, i.e. from left to right. This guide covers a quick overview on some of the basic principles of .
Wharfedale Pro EzGo Portable PA The Wharfedale Pro EZGO is an innovative portable PA solution that is ideal for announcement, presentation and entertainment applications. EZGO is simple to use and requires no specialist or technical knowledge to stage a professional performance. Its class leading usability is matched to genuine professional audio quality. Rapid setup and near non-existent take-down times ensure that EZGO will always keep your presentation stress free and professional. Audiences of up .