Lightsounds Price Guarantee

We try our best to make our pricing as competitive as possible.

If you find a better price for any product that Lightsounds carries, then tell us what price you have found, for what product and from where. Upon verification, Lightsounds will do its best to match or better the competitors’ price.

A few conditions to keep in mind:

  1. We only price match against stores in Australia due to differing conditions, exchange rates, distribution systems and pricing conditions overseas.
  2. The competitor must actually have the product in stock. We will not price match against false or misleading advertising from a competitor that may be advertising a product at an unrealistically low price simply to get customers in their door even though they do not have it in stock.
  3. Lightsounds will not price match against products that have been discounted as a result of being run out, factory seconds, ex demonstration, ex hire and the like. The competitors’ product must be exactly the same in all regards including being brand new in a sealed box.
  4. In some cases, a price match may limit the payment options available to the customer. Some price matches may only be agreed upon if paid in cash for example.
  5. Price matches may not be offered against “grey imports” – that is, products that have been imported into Australia without going through the official distributor for that product or brand.
  6. Price matches may not be offered against items on eBay or similar auction style web sites.
  7. Lightsounds reserves the right to reject any price match request if such request is not in the best interests of Lightsounds.