Create an unforgettable Xmas Theme..

When it comes to Xmas there are many opportunities to turn your festive occasion into an entertainment extravaganza.

Whether you’re celebrating Xmas in December or July, here are some great ideas on how to create a great festive theme using lighting and effects!

So How Do I Do It?

There are a variety of effects and lights that offer a real wow factor to Xmas celebrations at any time of year. They can add real authenticity and a new dynamic to your traditional celebrations.

Snow Business!

Think about hiring or buying a snow machine. These effects machines are used in film and stage productions to simulate the effect of falling snow, and they do a great job. They are really easy to operate and there is even a “silent” machine, perfect when singing your rendition of Silent Night!

How Do I Get the Best Snow Effect?

The most important thing is where to mount the device. The machine needs to be set up about 2 or more meters off the ground and not situated where the residue can collect too easily. You can hang it using the yoke on the unit off a lighting stand or simply sit it onto any available surface at that height.

What About a Low Fogger?

Foggers always give a “cool” effect and a low-lying fogger uses normal ice or dry ice to produce fog that stays low to the ground creating a delightful English countryside feel.


Red and Green Spells Xmas

There are plenty of lasers and disco lights that have rich greens and saturated reds, just right for that Xmas colour combination. Either hire or purchase the effects and use later for other theming ideas. Some Lasers have wonderful shimmering displays of red and green some with animations and spectacular multi beam effects. You can also use LED parcans or washlights set to red or green and maybe alternate parcans around the room between red and green or program the parcans to alternate between those 2 colours using a DMX controller.

 Everybody Outside

Weatherproof “architectural” lights are also available to flood your venue or house with colour if you choose to have the party outdoors


And to give it that final touch of chilliness, use a Hazer or Fazer to fill the air with the fine haze mist. This will also show off your lights much better as the haze will allow the light and laser beams to reflect in mid-air whilst not being too thick to look like a nightclub gig..


Tie in with furnishings, table settings and that dodgy sweater Nan knitted for you last Xmas and you’re in xmas heaven!



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