The humble Mirror ball is a classic disco icon, yet not everybody knows how to optimise its effect. Find out some tricks on how to make your mirrorball set up a dazzling head-turner..
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The Garter This is a tradition that is observed is many weddings. You need to know about it so you can do the MC’s job seamlessly if it is part of this wedding. “And now it’s the guy’s turn. If someone would be so kind as to grab a chair and place it in the centre for the bride to sit on…” “Don’t go away (bride’s name).” (they frequently run). Then, arrange for all .
STEP #13 : The Bridal Waltz MC INTRODUCTION: Announce to the husband and wife, the following: “Just before you go back to your seats, it’s now time for you (Bride and Groom) to perform your second duty as Husband and Wife, the dance to your Bridal Waltz.” The Bridal couple usually dance alone for the first song and are joined gradually by the rest of the Bridal Party. Talk personally (not over the microphone) .
Getting the guests dancing at wedding is not an easy feat. How to please grandma, the bride and her little nephew all at the same time?? Who said it was easy, but that's what you're getting paid to do! Read on for a few ideas on how to get the party started and keep it going and going and going..
Creating that xmas atmosphere for your special xmas celebration can be a breeze with this simple tips. They will make it the most memorable xmas party you've ever held!
Thought handshakes were elementary? Think again! So much detail for such a simple thing.. Wow.. Who would have thought..
This part continues from our wedding dj series. To view the previous article, STEP #2: PHOTOGRAPHS (MC task) Photographs are usually taken in a pre-arranged area at the Function Centre – make sure you know where it is and the shortest route to get there. Before the beginning of the reception, co-ordinate and escort the Bridal Party and / or guests to the area where the photographs are being taken. The Function Centre relies .
This part continues from our Wedding DJ series. To view the previous articles, STEP #6: THE OFFICIAL ENTRANCE (MC Task) This will be your second time on the Microphone. Firstly, ask the guests to remain seated. Then, introduce the Bridal party (generally in this order): Father & Mother of the Bride Father and Mother of the Groom Bridesmaids & Groomsmen Best man and Matron of Honour – Usually accompanied by Flower girl(s) / Pageboy(s) .
STEP #8: OFFICIAL INTRODUCTION (MC Task) Once the Bridal Party has been seated, the MC will ask everyone else to sit down. The standard lines for this request are: “You may now be seated,” or “Could everyone please take their seats.” Then, go on to introduce the staff: “Ladies and Gentleman, once again welcome to the (name of the function centre). Just before the entrees are served, I would like to take this opportunity .
Wedding Speeches and the cake cutting. What to say, when to say it? And what is the best music to play? Read on..