Category Archives: Articles


Are your special effects special enough? 6 tips on making your lightshow a dazzling success..

People are mostly visual, they will remember what your show looked like much more than what it sounded like. So if all you had was one or two effects on during the whole night, then your performance is likely to get the thumbs-down regardless of how good you were in your own performance. 1. Use different TYPES of effects: Examples of types include strobe vs laser vs scanner vs coloured disco light many of .

Passive or Active Speakers – What is best for me?

Unless you’re an audiophile (and you know who you are), lighting and sound systems can get pretty technical, leaving you overwhelmed and wondering if you’ve even purchased the right equipment for your school. Let’s untangle this mess, so you know exactly which type of speaker is best suited for your auditorium, or gymnasium. So what’s the best choice when considering your speaker setup? Active speakers have their advantages, yet so do power amps and .