Tag Archives: Rhythm section

Recording Tips: Acoustic Guitar

There is little point trying to argue over what a ‘great sound’ is. The truth is, a ‘great sound’ is highly dependent on the style you’re going for, and every engineer and his dog will have his or her own idea of the best practices required. That being said, there are a few bases you’ll need to have covered so you can get the exact sound you’re after. In this article, we cover tried .

Polish That Mix! How To Effectively Remove Mud & Clutter

Are you looking for a couple of quick tips to add that little extra bit of polish to your final mixdown? Are you finding that you’re struggling to get that mix crisp, clear and loud? Your track might be suffering from mix clutter syndrome. To help you restore your tune to good health, here’s a quick guide on minimising mixdown clutter. Cut the low-end An effective way to remove clutter or ‘mud’ in your .

5 Cardinal Rules Every FOH Engineer Should Follow

Much like the musicians themselves, the job of every FOH engineer is to deliver an unforgettable live gig experience. It never hurts to develop a repertoire of great engineering habits, so here are 5 cardinal rules every FOH engineer should practice and preach. Control the bass You’ve got to remember though that very few genres require earth shattering sub-sonic frequencies! It’s a common pitfall for engineers to go overboard and swamp their mixes with .