Wharfedale Pro EzGo Portable PA The Wharfedale Pro EZGO is an innovative portable PA solution that is ideal for announcement, presentation and entertainment applications. EZGO is simple to use and requires no specialist or technical knowledge to stage a professional performance. Its class leading usability is matched to genuine professional audio quality. Rapid setup and near non-existent take-down times ensure that EZGO will always keep your presentation stress free and professional. Audiences of up .
I would like to thank Karl from the Hire Department at Lightsounds, for the efficient service and good advice on which equipment to hire for my daughter, Emily’s, 19th birthday party, which was held at home ,including in the backyard. I hired 2 Wharfedale powered speakers which we were able to play music directly from an ipod. Also we hired 2 led parcans which were set to change colours with the music,and a water .