All posts by Lightsounds

How To Pick The Right DJ Mixer

With so many different brands, models and price ranges available in the market, picking the right mixer might seem a little overwhelming. We’ve compiled a handy buyer’s guide that simplifies the process so you don’t make the mistake of buying the wrong mixer. How many turntables/CD players are you planning to mix on? A ‘channel’ allows you to mix from one source to the other, so two is the required minimum. The more channels .

The Hotseat: An Interview With FOH Engineer, Zac Ruokari (Part 1)

I had the pleasure of sitting down to have a chat with a veteran FOH engineer, live mixer and musician by the name of Zac Ruokari. We discussed everything from mixing tips, how he got to where he is today, gear-talk, and more. Take heed – this information is absolute gold! Q: For those who don’t know you, tell us a little bit about yourself and your live audio career thus far. I am .

The Hotseat: An Interview With FOH Engineer, Zac Ruokari (Part 2)

I had the pleasure of sitting down to have a chat with a veteran FOH engineer, live mixer and musician by the name of Zac Ruokari. We discussed everything from mixing tips, how he got to where he is today, gear-talk, and more. Take heed – this information is absolute gold! For part one of this interview, click here. Q: What are some common live mixing pitfalls or ‘rookie errors’ you commonly see interns .

Front of House 101: Power on/off

Power on/power off. Sounds simple enough right? Truth is, you’d be surprised at the number of times engineers slip up and short-circuit equipment. So what causes those annoying pops and clicks? Well when gear is switched on, an electrical charge pulses through incredibly quickly (called a spike). If the speakers are accidentally left on, that spike going to be amplified and you’re going to get a loud THWACK to the face (possibly from the .

Dynamic vs. Condenser Microphones

If you’re in the market for your very first studio microphone, chances are you’ll run into a choice between buying a condenser or dynamic microphone. Each of them have their own set of pros and cons, and will work best in different circumstances. In this article we take a look at the differences between these two varieties and discuss which type you should be looking at for your home recording studio. Dynamic Microphones Dynamic .

Dressed to Compress: The Basics

Many musicians have a fair idea of what compression is, but not all of them know how to master it. To really get a good grasp of how to properly use compression, you’ll first need to get the basics covered. This article explains the compressor’s main functions, dials and parameters so you can get your head around this vital processing tool. What is a compressor? Essentially, compression reduces the dynamic range of whatever sound .

All About Lighting: Intelligent Lighting

If you’re looking to deck out your next party with some insanely cool lasers and lights, it’s worth getting your head around ‘intelligent lighting’. In this article, we cover the various types out there, while getting you to grips with what exactly you’re shelling out good money for. What is intelligent lighting? Intelligent lighting is a term used to describe a range of advanced lighting options commonly used for parties and stage events. They .

All About Lighting: A Buyer’s Guide

Make no mistake – good party lighting can make or break a memorable occasion. With the myriad of options out there, you can easily theme your party to your heart’s content at a price that won’t break the bank. So how do you choose the perfect lights for your next killer party? In this article, we give you a rundown of why lights are so important, what you’ll have to consider, and how much .

All About FX – Reverb Tips & Tricks

Reverb is an effect that replicates and manipulates the acoustic or spacious properties of a sound. Put simply, it’s what gives a sound its space and atmosphere. But how does one use it to its full extent? Well with the way modern music has been headed, there are few rules to ‘correct’ usage of reverb. In fact, with these digital effects so readily available these days, it’s important to have a few unique effect .

All About FX: Distortion

Distortion’s been around so long that even its originations are unclear. Ask a variety of engineers and you’re bound to get a bunch of different responses as to who the first musician to popularise distortion was. History aside, distortion comes in a wide variety of different forms, each with their own unique characteristics. In this article, we explore some of the more common types of distortion and how they work. Tape saturation Back in .